Introducing Eritrean People’s Sovereignty Movement

Representatives of several civic organizations conducted a joint meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, on 1 March 2020, and formed a consortium henceforth to be known as Movement for Eritrean People’s Sovereignty. It is to be recalled that the total victory of the armed struggle for liberation made possible the exercise of self-determination of Eritrea as a nation that was secured via a referendum. However, the Eritrean people have yet to achieve self-determination as a people by forming a government of their choice via a free and fair national election. One of the main objectives of this unity is to ensure that self-determination, the sovereignty of the people of Eritrea. This is a step in the right direction especially at this time when the dark era of dictatorship is dwindling in our country and the dawn of democracy, justice and prosperity in the horizon.


All patriotic Eritrean citizens who believe in the ideals of democracy, whether they are part of an organization or not, have a duty to contribute toward ending the hell-on-earth conditions that currently exist in our country and in restoring the basic objectives of the Eritrean Revolution and the aspirations of its people. Change and democratic transition are intertwined. Unity is strength and it is especially paramount in the effort to remove the tyrannical system and replace it with a constitution-based order that abides by the rule of law, respects the basic rights and freedoms of citizens.


Let us all roll our sleeves and double our efforts in support of a movement borne inside the country, a movement owned and driven by and for Eritreans, a movement that embraces all citizens who live in Eritrea and in the Diaspora, a movement that serves the interest of the country and its people and leads toward change and peaceful democratic transition. This means, directly or indirectly, all of us have to be part of the process. To bring about the type of change we seek, we need to demonstrate our readiness, commitment, unity and willingness to get organized.


While readiness and commitment are matters of individual decision, unity and organization are in the domains of the collective. To strengthen our national unity, let’s strengthen the pragmatic alliance among Eritrean nationalist forces. To expediate our common goal, instead of scattered efforts, it’s much better to coordinate our capabilities and create synergy.


To properly use the resources, one must have the right tools. Some of these tools are a clear and a well-defined vision, a blueprint for action, a practical program, an efficient organization and a strong leadership. That is why Eritrean People’s Sovereignty is embarking its mission with the following values.



Our Vision for Tomorrow’s Eritrea


Ensure the reign of constitutional rule of law that guarantees basic human rights and freedoms including political, economic, social, cultural harmony, peace and prosperity of its citizens. We strive to erect a constitutional government that respects the human-dignity of its citizens; ensures equal rights, equal liberty and equal opportunity; a government that nurtures public participation in all aspects of national life, including political, economic, social and cultural; a government that is guided by transparency and accountability.


Our Goals


The removal of the dictatorial system and bringing about peaceful democratic transition. To effectively and swiftly accomplish this mission by collaborating with and coordinating all like-mined national forces.


Our Program


Eritrean People’s Sovereignty program includes:


  1. Building a secular, citizen-centered government


  1. Forming a participatory, accountable, transparent and democratic government


  1. Reviving the Eritrean economy and its human capital


  1. Ensuring national unity and social harmony


  1. Practicing good neighborliness and peaceful coexistence




Unity is strength. The work of replacing a dictatorial system with democracy requires focused and relentless work. In the struggle to snatch the political power away from tyranny and back to its rightful owner, the Eritrean people, involves forming a strong organization with dedicated membership. The process calls for shared responsibilities, trust, commitment and discipline.




True leadership is a collective leadership. Any effort to accomplish something needs enlightened, hardworking, committed individuals who can turn ideas into actions. In order to defeat a corrupt, power-hungry, failed, repressive and predatory dictatorship, we need a strong, united and qualified leadership that embodies strong values of integrity and justice. Such leadership needs to exemplify collaboration, internal unity and popular support fueled by moral authority.


The Movement for Eritrean People’s Sovereignty invites you to do your part in ushering an Eritrea that is based on human-dignity, equality, liberty and opportunity; a peaceful, just and prosperous country, that encourages citizen-participation in political, economic, social and cultural affairs.


For more info: [email protected]


Website to launch soon.
